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“Car Free” – The Carefree Approach to Urban Living - Realstar Blog

“Car Free” – The Carefree Approach to Urban Living

  |     |   Community, Green Living, Lifestyle, Urban Living, Wellness

Opting out of car ownership has solid benefits from an environmental perspective and there are also other silver linings of choosing a “car free” lifestyle.  

Community Experience 
Driving can cause you to miss out on experiencing all your community has to offer.  Strolling through the streets of your neighbourhood offers a more complete perspective as you discover shops and people you might not have had the opportunity to encounter from behind the wheel.  

The Walk to Wellness
According to Time Magazine article “10 Things Your Commute Does to Your Body”, a daily drive commute to and from work “impacts your mental and physical health” and is associated with increased cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure which over time can increase your risk for diabetes, heart disease and stroke.  Not to mention the toll it takes on your mental health, according to report from the U.K.’s Office of National statistics fighting traffic on a regular basis increases anxiety, puts you a risk for depression and actually declines “happiness and life satisfaction”.   In case you needed any more incentive to re-think a car commute, according to a 2014 study from McGill University, commuters who walk to work tend to be happier overall compared with those who have a lengthy commute. 

Cost vs. Car Share
A major bonus in forgoing a vehicle is saving on all the costs associated with regular maintenance, fuel, insurance, license, registration and parking.  According to the CAA car ownership is the second largest expense after housing for Canadians. On average, including depreciation, owning a vehicle in Canada costs approximately $9,500 annually.   Many would argue that the convenience of having a car is well worth the price tag, yet car sharing services like Modo are a more cost-effective option for those times when you just really need a vehicle.  Unlike traditional car rental companies, Modo bills by the hour or with a full day rate of $50 which is inclusive of gas, insurance and maintenance.  With the flexibility to book on the fly, residents in our Novare, Glenmore Central and Lynncreek Apartments have added incentive with Modo car share services located right on site.   

Central living maybe more costly rent wise but in a vibrant community close to major amenities, you have the luxury of living “car free” without the added stress and expense of owning a vehicle.  “Car free” may become the new “carefree”, healthier approach to urban life.  

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