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Keeping your apartment warm (during the cold season) - Realstar Blog

Keeping your apartment warm (during the cold season)

  |     |   Apartment Living Tips, Green Living

The Winters’ in Canada can get pretty cold. While having fun in the snow, or enjoying a ski trip on the hills, we like to depend on our apartment’s furnace to maintain warmth! Here are some tips and tricks to leave the cold outside while staying warm inside. 

First, make sure to close your windows, and cover any unsecured window panes that may be leaking air. In older apartments, it’s important to ensure your windows are fully closed, especially during the low negative weather. Although it can be good to have your window open during the mild winter days for fresh air, it’s recommended to close them at night so that you don’t wake up with a sore throat or stuffy nose.

Second, remember to keep your radiator clear of objects. It’s important keep large items away from your furnace to avoid heat being absorbed by your furniture. By clearing the area around your furnace, you are letting heat cover the surface area of your apartment – creating a warm and toasty home!  Also, make sure to keep your furnace well cleaned; if your furnace is dirty, heat will be absorbed into dust particles. This will not only keep heat from escaping properly, but could also be a health risk!

Lastly, try baking something! Pies, soups and casseroles are all warm foods to eat during the winter season. This will help keep your apartment warm, as they bake on low temperatures for long periods of time! Therefore, the oven is another source of heat that will help keep you cozy throughout the cold months. Multiple batches of chocolate chip cookies work too!

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